Saturday, January 29, 2011

Do it well

I stopped my work tonight to watch a movie with ML. Tomorrow I'm going to the market with what I have and although it's close to Valentine's Day and I still have tons to do to get enough stuff done for the market, I decided not to rush into anything any more. I just want to take one step a time and create something really nice for the market, not just whip things up (like I used to, I have to confess), it has to be something nice even in the "touristy" product line.

I "feel" the idea Message in a Puzzle will fly.

Too bad I don't have a puzzle machine to make curvy puzzles. I think sooner or later I will need to buy one. But I need to wait until I'm ready - i.e. enough good arts to support the business. Here are what I have so far, but I'm not sure if they are good enough... I need to think. Calm down and think.

One step a time, Carol. There is always tomorrow.    

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